Wednesday August 2, 2017

“The more you fail the less scary failing becomes. Toughen the fuck up”

A. TnG Squat Cleans – 11-9-7-5-3-1, climbing

B. For Time
21 Deadlifts @ 225/155
14 Muscle Ups
75 Wall Ball
14 Muscle Ups
21 Deadlifts

5 x 10 Pistols
5 x 10 Supinated Rows
5 x :45 Seconds Assault Bike, 3:00 Rest

Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Power Jerk + Jerk 2+1 (5 sec hold overhead on last rep) – RM
2. Push Press Bnk – 70%x6, 75%x6, 80%x6, 80%x6
3. Walking Lunge – 3×14/leg
A1. Crunches – 3xmax reps
A2. 2-Arm DB OH Carry – 3x50m