Saturday February 24, 2018

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Great job with 18.1 last night! The energy, level of support and team spirit was awesome! Saturday classes are at 8 and 9 am. 18.1 Recovery Yoga is at 10 am with Melissa on the turf. If you have a yoga mat feel free to bring it! If you want to redo the workout or do it for the first time you have Sunday during Open gym from 10-12 noon and Monday during classes. Happy Saturday!

12 Strict HSPU
15 Front Squats @ 115/75
18 10M Shuttle Runs

4 Min Rest

15 4/3 Inch Deficit HSPU
15 Front Squats @ 115/75
15 10M Shuttle Runs

4 Min Rest

18 Kipping HSPU
15 Front Squats @ 115/75
12 10M Shuttle Runs

Rd 1 – 12 HSPU / FS @ 115/75
Rd 2 – 30 Second HS Hold / FS@115/75
Rd 3 – 18 Shoulder Touches / FS @ 115/75

Warlock Fitness
Rd 1 – 30 Second HS Hold / FS @ 95/65
Rd 2 – 30 Shoulder Touches / FS @ 95/65
Rd 3 – 20 Push Ups / FS @ 95/65

Warlock Fitness Light
Rd 1 – 30 Shoulder Touches in Plank Position / FS @ 95/65
Rd 2 – 15 Push Ups / FS @ 95/65
Rd 3 – 18 Burpees / FS @ 95/65

Bonus :
1. EMOM x 10 odd: 50 Double Unders even: 5,4,3,2,1 Squat Cleans (climbing in weight)
2. 3 Rounds – 20 Second L Sit, 20 Sit Ups – 90 Seconds rest after each round

Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Snatch (on the minute) – 70%x1x5, 75%x1x5
2. Clean & Jerk (on the minute) – 70%x1+1×5, 75%x1+1×5
3. Front Squat – 5RM, 90%x5, 90%xMax Reps
4. Jerk Support in Split – 5 sec – 1RM
5. Weighted Sit-up – 3 x 15