Friday Night Lights @ Warlock 18.1 – Presented by Camp Hillcroft

Click here to view and read the full movement standards and descriptions for teenage, masters and scaled divisions.

18.1 Premier Sponsor: Camp Hillcroft
Hospitality Sponsor: Baroni Recycling

*Heats will be posted by 1 pm. Athlete briefing is at 5 pm. First heat is set to kick off at 5:30 pm. Throughout the day our team will share thoughts on the workout and dive deeper into this during the athlete briefing. If you’re around today and want to do a practice round, practice some dumbbell hang cleans and jerks, that is encouraged. Feel free to pick our brains on the workout and strategy. Congrats to Ryan and Mario for both putting up monster scores and kicking off the 2018 CrossFit season! Overall this workout will come down to pacing, which, we practice a lot. Focus on what you can control, have fun and we’ll see you guys tonight for 18.1. Remember 10 spirit points are on the line for the team with the most spirit! Any issues please don’t hesitate to let me know

We take a lot into consideration for these workouts when planning heats i.e. rig heights, dumbbells, judges etc. If something is off, you’re missing, you’re judging yourself there’s probably a typo. Please email for any corrections.

18.1 Heats – Athlete / Judge

HEAT1: 5:30PM

Jill B. – Quinby
Sondra – Sara
Cristy – Mario
Michelle Russo – CJ
Miriam – Seth
Jamie Feicht – Ashley
Matt Covich –  Lew
Eric Gillman – Heather
Maximus – Greg
Timmy – Sue
HEAT 2: 6:00PM
Michelle Lobo – Greg
Sherry W. – Quinby
Lisa Kooperman – Mario
Samn Perzel – Seth
Kim Collier – Ashley
Matt T. – Heather
Nick B. – Lew
Brad Schmidt – Sue
Gary Lewis – Melissa
Carlos –  Kyle Rancourt
HEAT 3: 6:30PM
Joe Poole – Cristy
Stiesel – CJ
Joe Natonio Sr. – Melissa
Dave Stewart – Greg
Kathy Lowell – Seth
Sally Buttinger – Quinby
Bri Wies – Mike
Christa – Sue
Zenaida – Robson
HEAT 4: 7:00PM
Little Andrew Perzel
Johnathan Su – Seth
Joey Natonio – Lew
David S. – Heather
Connor Cahill – Sara
Debbie D. – Robson
Anita Picard – Mike
Dawn Rancourt – Ashley
Stephanie K. – CJ
Marina – Mario
HEAT 5: 7:30PM
Brendan L. – Quinby
Kevin C. – Jim
Zach C. – Mario
Keith Koonin – JoJo
Jose L. – K Rancourt
Marianna P. – Lew
Alissa S. – Ashley
Caroline – Melissa
Melissa P. – Michelle
Bridget – Cristy
HEAT 6: 8:00PM
Darrell – Mike
Eric K. – Seth
Sonny – Heather
Drew Perzel – Cristy
Karl Zeyher -Ashley
Patty Castano – Jojo
Maddy S. – Sue
Jennell – Lew
Amy M. – Mario
Randi Barr – Michelle
HEAT 7: 8:30PM
Greg Lobo – Michelle
Chris Q. – Seth
Jim Cahill – Sue
Robson – Sara
Kyle Rancourt – Ashley
Vicky C. – Mike
Michele T. – Lew
Maria W. – Cristy
Fiona – Jojo
Meredith – Erik
HEAT 8: 9:00PM
Cory V. – Erik
Marcus – Seth
Josh – Mario
Billy Porter – Heather
Marjorie – Lew
Kelly Torres – Cristy
Karen Su – Ashley
Mel D. – Mike
HEAT 9: 9:30PM
Sue Sanchez – Quinby
Stephanie M. – Greg
Krysta W. – Jim
Sara Z. – Cristy
Ana – Kyle Rancourt
Tommy Cavallo – Mike
Lewis –  Mario
HEAT 10: 10:00
Lew Ann – Quinby
Ashley – Seth
Heather – Jim
Lindsay – Mike
Val – Greg
Erik – Kyle Rancourt
Keith Collazo –  Cristy
Taft – Mario

A. 18.1 – AMRAP 20

8 T2B
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks @ 50/35
14/12 Cal Row

8 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks @ 35/20
14/12 Cal Row

Click Below for tips from Nicole Carroll – Director of CrossFit Training and Certification

Warlock Weightlifting: Rest Day