Wednesday October 14, 2020

“Listen with the intent to understand, not reply.”

Primer: 3 Minute Row or Bike 
2 Rounds: 10 DB High Pulls | 10 DB Strict Press | 10 Tempo Goblet Squats | 10 Cossack Squats 

WOD: “Again and Again” AMRAP 7 x 3 Rounds 
400M Run 
30/24 Cal Row
200M Run with a plate
AMRAP Double Dumbbell Thrusters @ 50/35

3 Minutes rest between rounds

Bulletproof Shoulders: AMRAP 7 x 3 Rounds
400M Run 
30/24 Cal Row
200M Run with a plate
AMRAP Double KB Front Rack Lunges @ 50/35

3 Minutes rest between rounds