Wednesday March 18, 2020

If we only did things on the days we wanted too we wouldn’t get much accomplished

Mobility: 2 Minute Pike Stretch
2 Minute Puppy Pose
2 Minute Calf Stretch
2 Min Childs Prayer

Primer: 3 x 30s
Samson Stretch | Broom Stick OHS | Sit Ups
Arch Hold on Ground | Pull Ups or Dead hang (find a tree) | Plank

Home WOD with Equipment:

3 Rounds
18 DB Snatches @ 50/35
50 Double Unders
18 DB Push Presses @50/35
50 Double Unders

Body Weight WOD:
2 Rounds
50 Mountain Climbers
25 Hop Squats (hop over a line and squat, open your hip up)
50 Burpees
25 Hop Squats (hop over a line and squat)

Strength: 3 Rounds
60s DB or KB OH Hold x 2 (Each side)
1 Hollow Hold

Rest 2 Minutes