Warlock CrossFit Membership & Loaner Program

Hey Guys!

We’re coaching you online!

Let’s define what that means and how we’re going to keep you moving so you don’t lose all the progress you’ve made because let’s be honest, you’ve worked your ass off up to this point. That work you’ve put in has a been a hedge against sickness just like this one. It’s build up a buffer for your immune system because of the time you’ve put in at Warlock. We’re going to continue to help you build that buffer as you need it now, more than ever. We’re putting out more than just an online program. We’re turning your gym membership into online Personal Training in the interim. You will be working with one of our coaches to hold you accountable with the workouts, scaling, explaining the stimulus of the workout and give you feedback when you want it.

You’re still going to
1.Check into class in MindBody (committed club)
2. Record your scores in SugarWOD.

Loaner Program
Excited that we get to loan out some of this equipment while we’re away. Hope you get all the fitness gains 🙂
1. Email: WarlockCOVID19LoanerProgram@gmail.com the following:

* 1 piece of equipment you request
* 2 Wish list items

Think versatility. Wallball, Kettlebell, Dumbbell. Athletes will get 1 Piece of equipment, if we can do more we will.

2. You must have a valid credit card on file in MindBody in order to rent equipment.

3. We will assign you your pick up time and email you paperwork.

4. You will show up during your pick up time, bring your completed paperwork and pick up your equipment.

5. You will bring in your signed paperwork upon arrival.

6. You will do lots of fitness and post about it!

Any questions please include them in your email. Welcome to the Loner (loaner) club haha get it! You’re working out alone, haha never mind. See you guys soon!

Bonus Article: How to Build a Garage Gym
Great Classic article with tons of knowledge bombs!