Wednesday, June 6, 2018

“Mental toughness is the ability to continue according to plan in a way that is in line with your values even though negative thoughts and emotions are pulling you in another direction.”

A. 7x 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks

18 Wallball @20/14
15 Cal Row
12 S2OH @ 135/95
9 Bar Muscle Ups

Performance: S2OH @ 115/75 | C2BPU + Ring Dips
Fitness: Wallball @ 14/10 | S2OH @ 95/65 | Pull Ups + Push Ups
Fitness Light: Wallball @ 14/10 | S2OH @ 95/65 | Jumping Pull Ups + Push Ups

A. Spend 10 Minutes working on Handstand walks
B. 4 RFT – 100 Ft Sandbag Carry | 100 FT Single Arm Farmers Carry (AHAP)| 20 GHDSU