“Don’t get distracted by the bright shiny objects. Stay focused on the task at hand.”
Primer: 3 Rounds | 11 Thrusters | 200M Run | 11 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Strength: Back Squat 3×3, 1×5
WOD: “Chest Hair”
21 Thrusters @ 115/85
400M Run
42 Kettlebell Swings @70/44
400M Run
21 Thrusters @ 115/85
Performance @95/65 | KB @ 53/35
Fitness @75/55 | KB @ 44/26
Fitness Light @ 65/45 | KB @ 35/18 | 200M Run
Back Squat: Find a Heavy Single
Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 70,75 3x@80%
Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Push Jerk 70,75, 3×80%
Strict HSPU: 10×45% of Max Set