“Think like a bumblebee, train like a racehorse.”
3 Rounds: 30s of each single leg Deadlift | Bottom up Burpees | Barbell High Pull | Strict Press
A. Ring Pull Ups 4x Max Effort (60s rest btw)
scaled leg assisted
B. Strict Ring Dips 4x Max Effort (60s rest btw)
scaled – leg assisted
WOD: Tabata x 16
odd: Deadlifts (total weight moved)
even: Burpees
Tabata 20s work | 10s rest
Score 1: DL Weight x Reps
Score 2: # of Burpees
V-Ups 60-100 in sets of 10-20
DB Hammer Curls 4×8-10. 60s rest btw sets
Deficit Push Ups 8-12″ . Accumulate 100 Reps in sets of 5-20
Front Squat – HS – No Belt
Hang Snatch 2@70,75,80% – 3×2@85%
Floating Snatch Pull – 3 @ 95,100 and 105%
Weighted Plank 3x30s