Thursday June 13, 2019

“Better to be flexible than to stick to a script.”

4 x 40s Burpees (20s Arch Hold)
30s shoulder rotations forward / 30s reverse
10 Walking Lunges into Hurdler Stretch
10 Steps traveling side to side lunges
2 x 30s bar hang into 30s plank
30s pvc reverse shoulder stretch
30s spinal twist
1 minute standing pike stretch

500M Row
3 x 9 Count Push Ups
30 Sit Ups

Strict Pull Ups 40% of your max set every 40 seconds until failure

Ring Rows 6x30s on / 30s off (feet on box)
Strict Static Support Dips 6x30s on 30s off
Hollow Rocks 100-120 in sets of 15-30. Rest as Needed
Pause FS (no belt) HS
Hang Clean 6×2 70,75,80,3x@85%
Floating Clean Pull 95,100,105%
Back Squat Jump 3×3@25%