Wednesday December 23, 2020

Lesson 20: Sacrifice

You must be willing to give some of yourself for the greater good of the team. You have to be willing to sacrifice what you want for what the team needs. You need to decided to move from selfishness to selflessness. The truth is only through service and sacrifice will anyone become great. I hope this inspires you to sacrifice short-term pleasure and selfish desires for long-term respect, admiration and impact.

3 Rounds: 
20 Double Unders 
30 Ft Duck Walk 
10 Air Squats 
20s Hollow Hold
40s Machine:

Pigeon Pose
Squat Hold 

8th Grade:  8 Rounds: 
40 Double Unders
30 Pistols or Lunges
20 Cal Row 

Time Cap 28 Minutes