Wednesday August 19, 2020

When you find yourself comparing yourself against others, stuck on the thought of viewing “X” as a measuring stick against your goals, ask yourself this question; how much do we care about getting better?

3 Round for Quality: 8 Single Legged KB DL Each side | 16 Tuck Ups | 16 Shoulder Taps | 16 Good Mornings 

Strength: EMOM x 8
Odd: 5 Deadlifts 
Even: 20 Push Ups 

Shoot Your Shot: AMRAP 18 
45 Med Ball Thrusters @ 20/14
30/24 Cal Row 
15 Deadlifts @ 225/155

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
45 Single KB Front Rack Lunges @ 53/35
30/24 Cal Row 
15 Deadlifts @ 185/135

Bodyweight Version: 
45 Weight vest or odd object thrusters
400M Run
45 Good Mornings