Tuesday March 20, 2018

“We are what we repeatedly do, not what we do occasionally or when the mood strikes and the situation is ideal.”

A. 3 Rounds
0-2 Minutes: 8 DB Push Presses + 18 C2B
2-4 Minutes: 24 Wallball + 24 Double Unders
4-6 Minutes: 12 Cal Bike + 12 Cal Row

*No Score*

Performance – 12 C2B
Fitness – 12 Pull Ups | 24 Single Unders
Fitness Light – 12 Ring Rows | 24 Single Unders

B. For Time – *10 Minute Time Cap
25 Thrusters
20 T2B
15 Bar Facing Burpees
20 T2B
25 Thrusters

RX & Performance – @ 95/65
Fitness – @75/55 & T2B
Fitness Light – @65/45 (Training Bar) & KTC

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch from Power Position – 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x1x5
B. Power Clean & Jerk – 60%x1+1×5
C. Yoke Carry – 3 x 50Ft
D. Planks – 3 x 60sec