Tuesday June 9, 2020

“You have enemies? Good. It means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill

Primer: 8 Minutes For Quality: 
6 Turkish Get Ups |8 Hollow Rocks | 10 KB Deadlifts | 12 Single Arm KB Strict Press  

Quarter Zip: 3 Rounds For Time
600M Run 


3 Rounds of: 
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls | 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups | 18 Pistols 

Dumbbell Version:
3 Rounds: 
600M Run 
3 Rounds of 6 Deadlift Dumbbell High Pulls | 12 Double DB Snatches | 18 Pistols 

Bodyweight Version: 
3 Rounds: 
600M Run
3 Rounds: 18 Good Mornings | 12 Burpees | 18 Alternating Lunges

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
3 Rounds:
600M Run 
2 Rounds: 18 High Pulls (9 per side) | 18 Piked Toe Touches | 18 Alternating Lunges