10 Sampson Stretch | 5 tempo Air Squats | 5 Walkouts | 5 Burpees
10 Good Mornings | 5 Tempo Air Squats | 5 Walkouts | 5 Burpees
10 Dumbbell Strict Press | 5 Jumping Squats | 5 Boot Straps | 5 Burpees
Garage War: 3 Rounds
Min 1: Double DB Thrusters
Min 2: Double DB Power Cleans
Min 3: Tuck Jumps
Min 4: Double DB Push Press
Min 5: Burpees
Min 6: Rest
RX Weight @ 50/35
Score is total reps
*If you have one dumbbell feel free to do this with just one dumbbell. You can also use a barbell if you want. A dumbbell is preferred.
Bulletproof Shoulders:
Min 1: Double DB Squats
Min 2: Double DB Deadlifts
Min 3: Tuck Jumps
Min 4: Double DB Alternating Strict Press
Min 5: Front Leaning Rest (not actual rest 🙂
Min 6: Rest