“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you re and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis
4 Minute Run | 3 Inch Worm / Up Dog / Down Dog | 10 Neck rotations | 10 trunk rotations | 10 cossack squats
2x30S Hollow Hang | Wall HS Hold | 30s wrist stretch | 30s ankle stretch | 60s pancake stretch
1. 100 Reverse Grip (supinated bar) pull-ups
12 Minute time cap. As weeks pass you should be able to increase the reps per set and decrease your rest time. If you’re struggling to get through, then use one of the scaling options. Advanced athletes add a little weight 5-20 lbs
2. Strict Static support dips – 4x max effort with 60s rest between sets
WOD: “PiggyBack” – For Time:
100 Unbroken Double Unders
20 Clean and Jerk @ 185/125
100 Double Unders
20 Bar Muscle Ups
100 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches @145/100
100 Double Unders
16 Minute Time Cap
Performance 100 Double Unders | C&J @ 165/115 | Power Snatch @ 135/95 |
Fitness: 200 Single Unders | C&J @ 115/75 | 20 Burpee Pull Ups | Power Snatch @ 95/65 |
Fitness Light: 200 Single Unders | C&J @ 95/65 |20 Burpee Pull Ups | Power Snatch @ 75/55 |
Hanging L Raises – 4x Max effort with 60s rest between sets
Rope Pull Ups – 4x Max effort with 90s rest between
Ring Push Ups – 4x Max effort with 90s rest between
Front Squat – HS (no belt)
Hang Snatch – 2 @70%, 2 @75%, 3×2@80%
Floating Snatch Pull 3 @ 90,95,100%