“If you’re choosing the path of greatness, half stepping won’t do it. Lean all the way in by going hard or going home.”
Congratulations to Heather, Val and Ashley who took third place at this weekends competition at New Haven CrossFit.
Primer: 3 Rounds:
1 Strict Round of Cindy
30s of Samson Stretch
30s End Range Squat Hold
Skill: 2 Round: 3 Tempo Back Squats | 3 Jumping Squats | Ankle Mobility
Pause Back Squat – Heavy Single | 3×3 | 5 @ 50% of Heavy Single
5 Push Press @155/105
10 Front Rack Lunges @155/105
15 T2B
20 Deadlifts @155/105
Performance: @ 135/95 | T2B
Fitness: @95/65 | Knee’s to Elbows
Fitness Light @ 75/55 | Knee’s to Chest
Jerk Balance 4×3@45%
Jumping Back Squat 3×3@25%
HS Walk – 300 Ft HS Walk
Row: 5x250M Sprint (rest 60s between the first 2 rounds | 75s between the last 2 rounds