“The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have.” – Marcus Aurelius
1 Min Row | 30 Sec Tuck Ups | 30 Sec Push Up shoulder taps
1 Min Row | 30 Second V-Ups | 30 Sec Wall Walks
1 Min Row | 5-7 Muscle Clean| 5-10 Strict Press
1 Min Row | 3-5 Power Clean | 5-7 Push Press
Skill: 7x On The Every 1:30
15/12 Cal Row + then Max Strict HSPU in remaining time.
Scaled: 15/12 Cal Row | Max Seated DB Strict Press
WOD: Front Runner
2-4-6-8-10 Power Clean and Jerk @ 165/105
200M Run
Performance: C&J @ 135/95
Fitness: C&J @ 115/75
Fitness Light: C&J @ 95/65
A. 7×2 Split Jerk
B. Bench Press 5×8