“How hard you work at correcting your faults reveals your character” – John Wooden
Primer: 3 Rounds: 3 Walk Outs | 30 Sec Sampson Stretch | 10 Scap Push Ups + 7 Push Ups | 10 Scap Pull Ups + 7 Ring Rows |
Strength: 3 Rounds: On The 90 Seconds
0:00 – 1:30 16 KB Front Rack Lunges
1:30 – 3:00 10 L-Sit Pull Ups
3:00 – 4:30 Max Effort Set of Ring Dips
Pull ups: If you don’t have pull ups accumulate 10-30 Seconds above the bar in a hollow body position
Ring Dips: Banded Ring Dips or Push Ups.
Conditioning: 3 Rounds For Time:
25 Wallball @ 20/14
20 T2B
15 Boxjumps @ 24/20
Performance = RX
Fitness: WB @ 14/10 | Knee’s to Elbows | Box Jumps
Fitness Light: WB @ 14/10 | Knee’s to Chest | Box Jumps on 4 Plates
1. AMRAP 7: 5 Single Arm Farmer Handle Deadlifts + 50 Ft Carry
2. For Time 250Ft HS Walk or 250 Ft Bear Crawl For Time