“Adversity is the way to greatness.”
Primer: 3 Rounds: 1 Minute Bike | 30 Sec Lunge | 30 Sec Developing World Squat |
Technique: 3×2 – 5 Second Tempo Squats | 10 Scap Pull Ups | 10 Ring Dips or Push Ups
Strength: Pause Back Squat 5×2 (climbing)
WOD: Warlock Beep Test EMOM x 10
3 Ring Muscle Ups
7 Burpees
AMRAP KB Snatches @ 53/35
Performance: 1 Ring Muscle Up | 9 Burpees | AMRAP KB Snatches @ 53/35
Fitness: 3 C2B | 7 Burpees | AMRAP Ground to Overhead with a plate @ 45/25
Fitness Light: 3 Pull Ups | 7 Burpees | AMRAP Ground to Overhead with a plate @ 35/15
A. EMOM x 10: 1 Pause OHS + OHS
B. Pendlay Row 6×3