“Don’t surround yourself with people who demand little of you. Don’t fill your life only with people you can easily surpass. Find someone to chase, someone who will help make you better. ”
Lift Off is tomorrow night. Click here to register. You can weigh in once you are here, it must be verified by a coach. You will have 20 minutes to find a 1RM Snatch. We will run through the remainder of the athletes and then do your 1RM Clean and Jerk. I will post your lifting off time.
A. 50 Turkish Get Ups (not for time) 20 Minute Cap
B. 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Lift Off Athletes (move if you want or take as a rest day, your call)
A. 1000M Row
B. Crossover Activation
C. Vaughn Warm Up
D. Mobility Work
E. 1000M Row *Both rows are at conversational pace