“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda
A. EMOM x 17
min 1: Burpees
Min 2: DB Snatch @ 50/35
Min 3: Boxjumps @ 20″
Min 4: DB Hang Clean and Jerk @ 50/35
Min 5: Cal Bike
Min 6: Rest
Score is total reps
Warlock Weightlifting:
Power Snatch – 65% x 3, 2×3@70%, 75% x 3
Power Clean – 65% x 3, 2×3@70%, 75% x 3
Power Jerk – 65% x 3, 2×3@70%, 75% x 3
Snatch High-Pull – 3×5@75% (of snatch)
4 Rounds of (2-4-6 rep) ladders (60 total reps): Chin-up, Dips