Wednesday April 11, 2018

“I was reminded at Warlock that I’m part of a big team. It creates confidence and facilitates every workout.”

A. 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks – 5 Sets @70%

Squat Clean and Jerk – Athlete Choice on loading. Total weight moved is score.

1. EMOM x 12: odd: 50′ Sandbag Carry even: 18/13 Cal Row
2. Pendlay Row 5×5

Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Back Squat – 83% x 5 x 5 (up wt on last set if you feel good – no failed reps)
2. Hang clean – 5×3@ 70%(up wt on last 2 sets if you feel good)
3. Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh) – 85% x 3 x 3
4. SLDL – 65% (of back squat) x 5, 3×5@ 70%