Sunday December 6, 2020

This Weeks Lessons: 
Sweat More
Remember WD>WS
Choose to Be Humble and Hungry
Purse Excellence 
Share Positive and Contagious Energy

Primer: 3 Rounds 
15 Sit Ups | 15 Glute Bridges | 15 Air Squats | 10 Strict Pull Ups | 10 Empty Barbell Power Cleans | 10 Empty Barbell Strict Press

On The 2 x 6 
3 Power Cleans + 1 Thruster

Start at 60% and Climb 

100 Cal Row or Ski Erg 
On the 0:00 and every 2 Minutes after 10 GHDSU or 10 V-Ups or 10 Tuck Ups 

Row: 100 Cal Bike Erg | 75 Cal Bike | 75 Burpees 
GHDSU: Weighted Abmat Sit Ups or T2B or Knees to Elbows