Saturday December 5, 2020

Lesson 5: Share positive contagious energy

“As a team member, you not only control your own effort but you also control your attitude. One of the most powerful things you can do to be a great teammate is to stay positive and share your positive energy with others. Research shows attitudes and emotions are contagious, and each day you can either infuse your team with positive energy or infect them with negative energy. You can be a germ or a big dose of vitamin C. When you share positive energy, you enhance the mood, morale and performance of your team. ” – Jon Gordon

Primer: 3 Rounds
10 Pausing Air Squats | 10 Good Mornings | 10 Tuck Ups | 10 Push Ups | 10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows 

90s Lizard Pose on each side | 60s Walkouts | 30s of Russian Baby Makers

3 Rounds: 12 KB Lunges | 10 Pausing Glute Bridges | 3 Jumping Squats 


Back Squats
2×5 @ 65%
3×5 @ 70%

Front Squats
4×5 @ 60%

Optional Fitness: Btw Each set of back Squats
20 Burpees | 15 Cal Row | 10 KB Swings