“Think about it this way: If you break a max by 5 pounds a month, that’s 60 pounds a year. If you keep doing that, you’re going to be a bad dude,” – Louie Simmons
Primer: 2 Rounds: 400M Run | 30 Second Samson Stretch | 30 Second Crab Walk | 30 Second Pause Front Squats
Front Squat – Heavy Single
Front Squat – 5×3 (climbing)
Conditioning: “Infight” – AMRAP 8
35 Double Under
15 KB or DB Front Rack Lunges @ 53/35
Performance: 35 Double Unders| KB Lunges 44/26
Fitness 35 Single Unders | KB or DB Lunges @35/18
Fitness Light: 35 Single Unders | DB Lunges @ 20/10
Front Squat 2×8@60%
Segment Snatch (knee) + Overhead Squat – 70%x1+1, 75%x1+1×3, 70%x1+1
Segment Clean (knee) + Power Jerk + Jerk – 70%x1+1+1, 75%x1+1+1×3, 70%x1+1+1
1-Legged/1-Arm Contralateral DB RDL (reps/leg) – 3×8
4 Rounds: 10 Hollow Rocks | 10 V Ups, 10 Tuck Ups,10 sec Hollow Hold | rest 1 Minute between rounds
For Time: 15-12-9 Sandbag Cleans @ 150/100 and Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 30/24