Happy Mothers Day to all the Badass Warlock Moms!
Primer: 3 Rounds:
Partner 1: 1 Minute Row | Partner 2: 1 Minute KB Good Mornings
Partner 1: 1 Min KB GM’s | Partner 2: 1 Minute Row
Partner 1 and 2: 1 Minute of Lizard Pose
Partner 1 and 2: 45 Seconds of Synchro Air Squats
Synchro Practice: 2 Rounds (first walk through, second game speed. Rest 2 Minutes between rounds)
10 Cal Row
10 Synchro KB Swings
10 Cal Row
10 Synchro Wallball
10 Cal Row
10 Synchro Burpees
Teams of 2 – Conditioning: AMRAP 20
50 Cal Row
50 Synchro KB Swings @ 70/53
50 Cal Row
50 Synchro Wallball @20/14
50 Cal Row
50 Synchro Burpees
Performance @ 53/35
Fitness @ 44/24
Fitness Light @ 35/18