Saturday January 17, 2020

“The privilege of a life time, is being who you are.” – Joseph Campbell

WOD: “Lethal Weapon “

2 Rds of Holleyman | 15 Shuttle Runs
4 Rds of Holleyman | 15 Shuttle Runs
6 Rds of Holleyman | 15 shuttle Runs
8 Rds of Holleyman | 15 Shuttle Runs
10 Rds of Holley Man | 15 Shuttle Runs

Time Cap 40 Minutes

Holley Man is 5 Wallball | 3 HSPU | 1 Power Clean

RX: 225/155
Performance: 185/125
Fitness: WB @ 14/10 | 1 Wall Walk | PC@ 135/95 |
Fit Light: 1,2,3,4,5 Rounds of Holleyman | WB @ 14/10 |Push Ups |
No Run? .4 Miles on the Bike

Bonus: 3 X 10-20s single arm row static hold | 14 single legged Romanian KB Deadlifts (7 each) | :20-40s supinated gip Dead Hang | 14 Single Arm Arnold Presses (7 each side)

3 Rounds: Power Clean Cycling
AMRAP 20s Max Reps @ 70% | 40s Rest
AMRAP 30s Max Reps @ 75% | 30s Rest
AMRAP 40s Max Reps @ 80% | 1:20s Rest