“What our athletes are doing, everyone thinks is impossible.”
Click Here to register for the CrossFit Open. Affiliate – Warlock CrossFit. Team – Warlock Athletics 2018.
A. Teams of 3 (30 Minute Cap)
3000m Row or 6 Mile Bike
During The Row, Other Teammates are chipping away at:
100 DB Squat Cleans @50/35 or 35/20
200 Double Unders
100 Burpees
200 Double Unders
100 Russian KBS @70/53
200 Double Unders
100 Box Jump Overs @24/20
200 Double Unders
One Athlete Rows, One Athlete participates in Chipper, One Athlete Rests.
Once Row is Complete, One Athlete Still works on chipper, 2 Still Rest
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch (on the minute) – 1×10@70%
B. Clean and Jerk (on the minute) – 1+1×10@70%
C. Back Squats 10 @ 60%, 10@65%, 8@70%, 8@75%
D. Front Squat – 4×5@70%
E. 4 Rounds – 10 Barbell Roll Outs, 10 Back Ext, :30 Second GHD Hold