Our Warlock Holiday Party is Saturday December 14th at 7pm at Ice House in Poughkeepsie. It includes food and open bar from 7 – 10. Cost is $40 per person. Friends and family are welcome! Please RSVP at the front desk with one of the coaches!
“Chase greatness”
“Hot and Heavy”
15 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95
7/5 Ring Muscle Ups
12 Power Snatches @ 135/95
Rest 2 minutes
12 Clean and Jerks @ 155/105
7/5 Ring Muscle Ups
9 Power Snatches @ 155/105
Rest 2 Minutes
9 Clean and Jerks @ 175/115
7/5 Ring Muscle Ups
6 Power Snatches @ 175/115
Performance @ 115/75 | 135/85 | 155/105 | 14 C2B + 14 Ring Dips
Fit @ 95/65 | 115/75 | 135/85 | 14 Pull ups + 21 Push Ups
Fit Light @ 65/45 | 75/55 | 95/65 | 14 Ring Rows + 14 Push Ups
4x On The 4 Minutes
30 Double Unders + 10 C2B
30 Double Unders + 5 Push Jerks (Start at 55% and build)