“Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.” – Coach Wooden
2 Rounds:
45s Row | 30s Glute Bridges | 30s Front Squats | 30s Wall Walks | 3 Jumping Squats
Strength: 1 Tempo Front Squats OTM x 9
3s Down | 3s Pause | 3s Stand
1-3 @60% | 4-6 @64% | 7-9 @68%
“Hot Rod” – 10 Rounds For Time:
18/15 Cal Row
3 Back Squats @ 315/225
5 Strict Deficit HSPU @ 4/3
30 Minute Time Cap
Back Squat @ (95% of 5RM)
Strict HSPU or Double DB Strict Press (standing)