Friday December 4, 2020

Lesson 4 – Pursue Excellence

“Each day, it’s important to wake up and strive to be better today than you were yesterday. Identify what you need to work on to get better and focus on improving each day. Don’t settle for average. Instead, chase greatness. Realize that everyone wants to do what the great ones do but very few are willing to do what they did to become great. Be willing. Be humble and hungry. Pursue excellence. To help yourself and your team, implement the 1 percent rule, which says that a little more time, energy, effort, practice, focus and care can bring big results. If you can push yourself to give just 1 percent more during each practice, each game, each film session, each class, each homework assignment and each project, over time you will see big results.” – Jon Gordon

Primer: 8 Minute AMRAP  
10 Jumping Squats | 20s Dead Hang | 10 Single Dumbbell Deadlift High Pull | 10 Inch Worm to Push Ups 

3 Rounds: 
7 Wallball | 3 Strict Pull Ups | 3 Devil Presses (climbing in weight) 

WOD: Green Monster 

70 Wallball | 35 Strict Pull Ups | 7 Devil Presses
50 Wallball | 25 Strict Pull Ups | 5 Devil Presses
30 Wallball | 15 Strict Pull Ups | 3 Devil Presses 

Wallball @ 30/20
Devil Presses @ 70/50

Time Cap 22 Minutes 

No Pull Ups: 50 | 35 | 20 KB Swings @ 70/53 

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
70 Goblet Squats | 120 Second Dead Hang | 40 DB High Pulls 
50 Goblet Squats | 90 Second Dead Hang | 30 DB High Pulls 
30 Goblet Squats | 60 Second Dead Hang | 20 DB High Pulls