Saturday August 17, 2019

“If you are a cop on a bike and you are chasing a guy 15 miles something is wrong”

“Above and Beyond”

9 x On The Every 90s
Odd: 18/14 Cal Bike
Even: 12 Deadlifts | 9 Hang Power Cleans | 6 Shoulder to Over Head

RX @ 155/105
Performance @ 135/95 15/12 Cal bike
Fit @ 95/65 | 12/10 Cal Bike
Fit Light @ 75/55 | 10/8 Cal Bike

*Score is slowest round

400M Yoke Carry | Rest 5 Minutes | 400M Sled Push | Rest 5 Minutes 50 GHDSU + L Sit as long as the GHDSU take you.

For Time: 250 Double Unders + 50 Strict HSPU + 250ft HS Walk

Snatch: 1 EMOM x 15 Minutes (climbing)
Snatch Grip Deadlift 3×3@100%
Snatch High Pull 3×3@95%