Congratulations to all the Warlock Athletes that competed this weekend from the Dutchess County Classic, to Festivius, to the Spartan Beast up in Vermont. When you see these athletes at Warlock please congratulate them on a job well done! Thanks to all the Warlock Members that went out to support and cheer them on while they were competing! Thanks for being a badass and awesome community!
Anita and Lisa – 2nd Place at Festivus in the Masters Intermediate Division
Samn – Set a PR in her Half Marathon by 15 minutes and 58 seconds
Krysta – Took 2nd Place in her age group with a time of 1:44.44
Jamie – Ran the half marathon in just over 1:41
Jen – Ran the half marathon in just over 2:05
Dave – PR’ed his Spartan Beast by an hour compared to last year! (6 hours 21 Minutes and 14 seconds)
Mike – Completed both the Spartan Sprint and the Beast this weekend up in Vermont!
Ally and Erica – Successfully crushed and survived their first CrossFit Competition
Nicole and Alex – Led the way for the Warlock ladies! The final Festivus Results go up on Tuesday.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves” – Leo Tolstoy
3x 20s Plate Jumps | 20s Burpees | 20s Step ups | 20s Thrusters Empty BB or PVC
2x 45s low dragon | 15s of wrist mobility
In a 90s Window:
9 Power Cleans, 9 Front Squats, 9 Push Jerks
Time Remaining Max Ring Muscle Ups
Rest 30s
In a 90s Window
7 Power Cleans, 7 Front Squats, 7 Push Jerk
Time Remaining Max Ring Muscle Ups
Rest 30s
In a 90s Window
5 Power Cleans, 5 Front Squats, 5 Push Jerks
Time Remaining Max Ring Muscle Ups
Rest 30s
In a 90s Window
3 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Push Jerks
Time Remaining Max Ring Muscle Ups
RX: 115/85 | 135/95 | 155/105 | 185/135
Performance: 115/85 | 135/95 | 155/105 | 165/115 | RD 1 and 3 Ring Dips | Round 2 and 4 Chest to Bar
Fitness: 95/65 | 95/65 | 95/65 | 115/105 | Burpee Chest to Bar or Burpee Pull Ups
Fit Light: Same weight across. 7/7/7 Each Round. Work on Technique
WOD: “Master Splinter” – 3 Rounds For Time:
400M Run
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20
15 Thrusters @ 95/65
*15 Minute time Cap
Performance: RX
Fitness: 15 Thrusters @ 75/55 or 9 Thrusters @ 95/65
Fit Light: 200M Run | 12 Burpee Box Step Overs | 15 Thrusters @ 45/35
Midline: 75 Hollow Rocks
Rack Pulls: 1×3,1×4,1×5 + 1 Max Effort Set at 90%
Banded Lateral Walks 4x60s
Yoke Holds 5x35s HAF
400M Sled Walk w Straps (guys 3 plates / ladies 2 Plates)