Monday October 15, 2018

“If you’re not getting the results you want in life the first place to look is your daily habits and rountines.”

A. Overhead Squats 5×5 (Climbing)

B. “Space” – AMRAP 10 – Ascending 2,4,6,8 etc
Overhead Squats @ 115/75
Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Performance: OHS @ 95/65 | C2BPU
Fitness: OHS @ 75/55 | Pull Ups
Fitness Light: OHS @ 45/35 | Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows

*If you are doing the WODAPALOOZA QUALIFIER you have workout 4 during “Space”

A. 7×2 Back Squat (Climbing)
B. Snatch Pull 3×2, 3×1
C. 8 Rounds: 100 ft Sled Push / 10 Sandbag Rows @150/100