Monday March 9, 2020

“You are a champion”


2x 20s hang | 5 muscle clean and strict press
2x 5 strict pull ups + 5 KTC | 5 pwr clean & push press
2x 5 c2b + 5 knees to elbows | 5 pwr clean and push jerk
1-3 Bar Muscle UPS | 3 pwr clean and jerk

Strength: 6x On The Every 2 Minutes
3 Bar Muscle Ups + 5 T2B
3-3-2-2-1-1 Power Clean and Jerk

*Start at 60% and Climb

5 Chest to Bar + 5 T2B
5 Pull Ups + 5 Knee’s to Elbows
15-20s Hold Above the rig + 5 Knee’s to Elbows
5 Ring Rows (as horizontal as possible) + 5 Knee’s to Chest

WOD: Eagle Eyes – AMRAP 13
1000M Row
100 Ft Single DB OH Walking Lunges @ 50/35
30 Lateral Burpees Over the DB
30 Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk @ 50/35

Performance: RX
Fitness: DB @ 35/20
Fit Light: 750M Row | DB @ 25/15

Bonus: Clean Pull 6x 1 Tempo Clean Pull + 1 Clean Pull

Back Squats:
0:00 – 9 @ 78%
2:00 – 7 @ 85%
4:00 – 5 @ 92%
6:00 – 3 @ 97 %
8:00 – 1 @ 102%
9:30 – 1 @ 104%
11, 12:30, 14, 15:30 – 1 @ 107- 108%