Monday March 16, 2020

“Great athletes finish. Period.”

Good luck to Cristy and CJ as they finish up their 2020 Masters Online Qualifier.

Please Read: COVID-19 Update 3/14/2020

Free At Home, No Equipment Workouts

*Classes will be limited to 14 members. Please check in ahead of time in Mindbody to reserve your spot. There will be no exceptions, this is a hard cap. That does not mean class is full and you go over on the turf and do your own thing, it does not mean go on and ride a bike or a rower. We will be strictly enforcing this policy and appreciate your understanding and cooperation to keep everyone healthy.

All members: Please spray down anything that you touch. You must spray down equipment and area, let it sit for 5 minutes and then wipe up.

Thank you guys for being so understanding and patience as we try to keep everyone healthy and safe so we can remain open.

Primer: 4 Rounds
200M Run | 5 Walk Outs | 10 Air Squats | 20s Hollow Hold

3x 20 KB Good Mornings | 15 Hollow Rocks | 10 Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows

WOD: “Spice Girls” – AMRAP 18
21 KB Swings @ 70/53
5 Rounds of Cindy
21 KB Overhead Lunges @ 70/53
5 Rounds of Cindy
21 KB Waiter Squats @ 70/53

Cindy = 5 Pull Ups | 10 Push Ups | 15 Air Squats

Performance @ 53/35
Fitness @ 44/26 |10-15s Hold Above the bar or jumping pull ups
Fit Light @ 35/18 | Ring Rows | Knee Push Ups | Air Squats

Bonus: Mobility work at home

Home WOD:
EMOM x 12:
odd: 45s of 10M Shuttle Run
even: 45s of Burpees

Score is total Reps