Announcement: Monday January 20 at 7 PM we will be hosting our Nutrition Challenge Informational Meeting. Hope you can join us!
“Squats collapse from the head down.” – Greg Glassman
Primer: 3 Rounds: 5 Inch worms | 7 Glute Bridges | 9 Tempo DB Squats | 11 Deadbugs
Strength: Back Squat – Build to a heavy set of 5
WOD: Pins and Needles – AMRAP 12
5 Strict C2B
6 OHS @ 115/85
7 Power Cleans @ 115/85
Performance: Strict Pull Ups | Barbell @ 95/65
FItness: 20s Hold Above the Bar | Barbell @ 75/55
Fit Light: 5 Strict Ring Rows | Barbell @ 45/35
Bonus: OHS 3x 1 Pausing OHS + 2 OHS @ 62 | 66 and 70% of 1 RM OHS
Midline Conditioning: 3 Rounds: 30/24 Cal Ski | 30 ft HS Walk | 30 GHDSU | 30 Ft HS Walk