Dreaming of that Monday WOD like…
A. Back Squats 5×5 @ 90% of Fridays 5RM
B. 10 Minute AMRAP
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders
10 Sumo DL High Pulls @95/65
1. 3 Rounds – :90 Second Row then :30 Seconds of Max Muscle Ups
2. 40 GHDSU, 50 Sit Ups, 60 Back Extensions
Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Clean & Jerk – 2(1+1) (hold last jerk 5 sec overhead) – 70% x 2(1+1), 75% x 2(1+1), 80% x 2(1+1) x 4
2. Clean Pull – 105%x3x3
3. Back Squat – (75%x3, 75%x6, 75%x9) x 2
4. Weighted Sit-up – 3 x 10-15