Success requires hard work and showing up daily. Commit to showing up and putting in the work.
A. 4 Rounds
Min 1: 3 Snatches
Min 2: 2 Snatches
Min 3: 1 Snatch
B. For Time:
1000M Row
40 T2B
30 Burpee Boxjumps @ 24/20
20 Power Snatches @ 115/85
EMOM x 20
Odd: 21 Cal Row / 18 Cal Row
Even: 30 Seconds of Slow Air Squats
1 .Snatch High-Pull + Snatch from Power Position – 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1 x 4
2. Drop Snatch (% of snatch) – 55%x2x5
3. SLDL (% of BS) – 60%x5x3
A1. Weighted Planks – 3 x 30sec max
A2. 1-arm Farmer’s Walk – 3 x 50m