“When we start to consistently act in accordance to the story we want to tell about ourselves, there are few audacious goals we can’t achieve.”
A. Power Clean 2×3@75%, 3×2@80%
B. Clean Pull – 2×3@90%, 3×3@95%
C. Teams of 2
0-3 Minutes – AMRAP Muscle Ups
3-5 Minutes – Rest
5-13 Minutes – 15 Cal Row / AMRAP T2B (switch every 15 cal row)
13-15 Minutes – Rest
15-18 Minutes – AMRAP Power Cleans @ 205/145
Warlock Weightlifting: Speed work
A. Snatch + Hang Snatch: 3x (1+1)@50%, 2x(1+1)@60%
B. Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: 2x (1+1+1)@40%, 50% and 60%