WOD 1: Fantastic Four
Randy RX @75/55 | Scaled 45/35
Jackie RX @45/35 | Scaled 35/15 and Ring Rows
Fran RX @95/65 | Scaled 65/45 and Ring Rows
Karen RX 20/14 | Scaled – 14/10
2 Athletes split each of the girl workouts. Each Athlete must work for two of the workouts. No minimum work requirement. There is only 1 RX Barbell and 1 Scaled Barbell Allowed. No Doubling of barbells. I.e. If two RX males are on the same team they must share the same barbell.
WOD 2: Snatch and Clean and Jerk
In A 10 Minute Window:
RX Athletes: 1 RM Snatch
Scaled Athletes: 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Mens and 1 Womens Barbell each.
WOD 3: Gymnasty
AMRAP 3 – HS Walk for Distance | Bear Crawl (every 5 Ft is 3 Points) (2 Partners work at a time)
Directly Into
AMRAP 5 of Gymnastics Movements. Each movement is worth points
Bar Muscle Ups – 10 Its
Chest to Bar – 4 Pts
Toe to Bar – 3 Pts
Pull ups – 2 Pt
Knee’s to Chest – 1 pt
Ring Rows – 1 Pt
Sit Up – .5 Pt
1 Partner working at a time
WOD 4: 90/90
90 Cal Bike then
45 Synchro Power Cleans @ 135/95 or 95/65
45 Synchro Deadlifts @ 135/95 or 95/65
45 Trio – Lateral burpees Over bar
then 90 cal bike
Athletes must be synchro at the top of the movement for the barbell. For the burpee they must be synchro at the bottom of the burpee. We will go through a demo for this fun finisher.