Friday March 20, 2020

“Do something! You have no excuse for sitting on the fucking couch feeling sorry for yourself.” – CT Fletcher

Mobility: 2 Minutes of each
Puppy Dog | Dragon | Bound Angle | Happy Baby

WOD With Equipment:
3 Rounds: 75 Double Unders | 10 DB Burpee Lunges @ 50/35
Directly Into
3 Rounds 300M Run | 21 Thrusters @ 35/20

First movement the weight should be heavier, the 21 thrusters on the back end should be lighter. If that means one dumbbell go for it. If you can drop weight with adjustable dumbbells to really push the tempo do it!

WOD No Equipment:
10 Rounds
10 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Sit Ups