“Developing absolute strength is a marathon, not a sprint” – Louie
16 Minutes for Quality:
50 Ft Single Arm Farmers Carry @ 70/53
10 Double KB Sumo DL
10 Snow Angels
100 Ft Bear Crawl
Moodswing – AMRAP 16
15/10 Cal Bike
12 Kettlebell swings @ 70/53
9 Strict Pull Ups
Performance: 15/10 Cal Bike | 12 KBS @ 53/35 | 5 Strict Pull Ups
Fit: 15/10 Cal Bike | 12 KBS @ 44/26 | 20s Hold Above the Bar
Fit Light: 15/10 Cal Bike | 12 KBS @ 44/26 | 9 Vertical Ring Pull Ups
6 Skill Wall HS Challenge Practice
10s HS Hold (facing away from wall) | Shifts (3 each side) | Palm Lifts (3 each side) | Shoulder Touches (3 each side) | 3 Strict HSPU | Side Touches 3 each side
(aim to practice these skills and then do it unbroken)