Thursday December 3, 2020

Lesson 3 – Choose to be humble and hungry

“Humble and hungry are a powerful combination. The minute you think you have arrived at the door of greatness, it will get slammed in your face. The key to success is to be a lifelong learner who continuously works hard to improve. When you stay humble and hungry and focus on the process, you will love what the process produces.” – Jon Gordon 

2 Minute Machine

3 Rounds:
10 Bird Dogs | 10 Push Ups | 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts | 10 Hanging Scap Retractions | 5 Hanging Knee Raises | 

Strength: Deadlift Stamina
3x 12 Unbroken Romanian Deadlifts
3×8 Unbroken Sumo Deadlifts 

“Sprint Chipper “
60 Cal Row
45 T2B 
30 Burpees Over The Rower

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
60 Cal Row 
150 Mountain Climbers 
50 Alternating Jumping Lunges 

Row:  Ski 750M | Assault Bike 1.2 Miles | 
T2B: V-Ups | T2B | Tuck Ups | Weight Sit Ups | 70 Ab Mat Sit Ups 
Burpees: 30 Top Up Burpees | 25 Cal Assault Bike | 50 Alternating Jumping Lunges