“Talent is not an innate ability. It’s a skill that’s developed with deliberate practice over an extended period of time.”
Primer: 30 Seconds of each movement for quality
Samson Stretch | Overhead Squats | Good Mornings | Pull Ups | Dips | Sit Ups
Skill: 3×3 Position Clean + 3 Split Jerks (climb)
Strength: EMOM x 6 On The Every 90 Seconds
1 Clean and Jerk (Climbing)
WOD – “Van Damme”
30 Power Snatches, 10 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Power Cleans, 10 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Thrusters, 10 Ring Muscle Ups
RX – 135/95
Performance – 115/80 | 5 Ring Muscle Ups
Fitness – 95/65 | 15 Chest to Bar and 15 Ring Dips
Fitness Light – 75/55 | 10 Burpees + 10 Jumping Pull Ups
Time Cap:20 Minutes. Every rep left add 1 second to your score. 7 reps left is a time of 20:07
A. 3 Rounds: 150 Ft of DB OH Walking Lunges | 25 GHDSU | 25 Back Extensions
B. Back Squat 10×3