“You can find your strength by never giving up.”
Primer: 3 Rounds
EMOM x 9: Min 1: 200M Run | Min 2: Strict Cindy | Min 3: 15 KB Swings
Practice: Back Squat -5×1 Back Squat
5 Second Negative – 3 Second Pause at bottom (keep tension and breathe)
Strength: 5×2 Back Squat (climbing)
WOD: Helena – 3 Rounds For Time
400M Run
12 T2B
21 Wallball @ 20/14
Performance @ 20/14
Fitness: Knee’s to Elbows | WB @ 14/10
Fitness Light 200M Run | Knee’s to Elbows | WB @14/10
*Time Cap of 14 Minutes
A. On The 4×4 Rounds: 15/12 Cal Row | 40 Double Unders Max Strict HSPU
B. 10 Minutes of HS Walk Practice