If you can’t make it to Friday Night Lights or need special accommodations please email E@WarlockAthletics.com by 9 pm on Wednesday March 13, 2019. Thank you for taking the time to do this. It helps us keep Friday Night Lights running smoothly and on time for everyone participating!
“If you have a compliment for someone and don’t share it, it’s like telling them you have a gift and not giving them that gift.”
A. EMOM x 10
2 Deadlifts + 10 Second Ring Support (climbing in weight)
B. On the 4 Minutes x 5 Rounds
21/15 Cal Bike
12 C2BPU
Max Strict HSPU
Performance: 7 C2B | 5 Inch Elevated Strict HSPU
Fitness: 12 Pull Ups | Max Seated DB Press @ 40/25
Fitness Light: 12 Jumping Pull Ups | Max Seated DB Press @ 35/20
A. 3 Rounds: 10 burpee box jump overs, 100M Farmers Carry, 200M Sled Drag – 2 Minute rest between rounds.
B. Bench Press: 5×5