“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” – Anais Nin
Primer: 5 Minutes For Quality: 30 DU’s, Single Unders or 30 Seconds of Practice, 10 Dead bugs, 15 Push Ups
Skill: 5×1 3-Position Push Press (3 second freeze at dip, 3 second freeze with head back, 3 second freeze at top)
Strength: Push Press 5×5 (Climbing)
AMRAP 18 – Half Life
80 Double Unders
40 Lunges
20 T2B
10 Push Jerks @ 225/145
Performance: @ 185/125
Fitness 80 Single Unders | Push Jerks @ 115/75 | 20 Cal Row
Fitness Light 80 Single Unders| Push Jerks @ 95/65 | 20 Cal Row
1. 3 Sets of 12 Pendlay Row | 12 Seated Single Arm DB Press Rest 1:30 between sets
2. 3 Rounds: 5 Strict Muscle Ups | 1 Minute L Sit (use the ring thing if you don’t have muscle ups or replace it with 15 C2B + 15 Ring Dips time 3 rounds
3. 10 Rounds – 50M Sled Push | 50M Yoke Carry (do it out back. You pick the weight)