Tuesday September 10, 2019

Deload Week.Let’s keep the intensity high and focus on recovering this week. Click on the Workout of the Day and then Recovery Protocol to dive deeper down the rabbit hole of recovery.

“We don’t own success. We have to work for it every day.”

2 Rounds: 30 single Unders | 20 Banded Pull Apart | 10 Glute Bridges | 5 Inch Worms

“Road Trip” 5 Rounds
15 KBS @ 70/53
400M Run
40 Double Unders

Performance: @53/35
Fitness: 4 Rounds: @44/26 | 400M Run | 80 Single Unders
Fit Light: 5 Rounds: @35/18 | 200M Run | 40 Single Unders

*No Run? 500M Row
*No Double Unders? 1 Min of Double Under Practice

AMRAP 6 – 1,2,3,4 etc
Strict HSPU
Strict Pull Ups

Performance: 5 Inch Elevated Strict HSPU | Static Hold Above Rig (2s for ever 1 Rep) + Negative
Fitness: Wall Walks | Banded Pull Ups
Fit Light: Wall Walks | Ring Rows